

Fruit Update

PYO has now finished for the Season.

What an enjoyable time it has been for many.

See you next Season for PYO Apricots.

There are a few boxes of apricots on the Fruit Stall..Sam picked the last of Sandra’s apricots last night. Too soft for bottling but ideal for stewing or freezing.

Back Doris plums are all go……Bon Chretien pears as well.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to place an Order for either whether it be a ‘Pick-Up Order’ or a ‘Courier Order’.

We Courier on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tuesday is cut-off to the North Island and upper South Island Rural deliveries.

Omega plums should start in about 10 days..

Cox’s Orange  in about 14 days.

Royal  Gala apples in about 21 days.

Quinces in  6 weeks.

Thanks to Sam for these updates.

Fruit Update 15 February

Heaps of boxes of Apricots will be on the Fruit Stall as from today.

This is unexpected as we were right at the end of them…these late ones were earmarked for Sandra (Mum) as she was going to bottle them all..yes a few hundred jars…. but she has now decided she hasn’t the time to bottle anymore sooo heaps on the Fruit Stall as from today. You will like our prices!

Plenty of freshly picked Bon Chretien pears are still all go. 

Black Doris plums actually start this Monday but Sam and team did pick some last night so we will have boxed ones on the Fruit Stall as from today. Yes I was surprised by a wee early pick..the heads up would have been great Sam. 

The MacVerna plums have finished but a small amount of Hawera plums are still available.

Also a few bags of Red Gravenstein apples are on the Stall.

I am so looking forward to the main apples ripening….only a couple more weeks of waiting for the Cox’s Orange apples and then of course Royal Gala a close second.


PYO Nectarines finished yesterday! 😱
PYO Moorparks are still all go, much to my surprise – ladder work is involved. Also just a reminder to wear good footwear – sandals and jandals are a no-go.
Plenty of freshly picked Clutha Gold apricots on the stall – These are great for bottling, stewing, jam – the flavour is absolutely gorgeous – our Stall will be continually restocked during the day so you won’t miss out.
Billington plums and Red Gravenstein apples are also on the Stall as 
Bon Chretien pears will begin this weekend 🍐🍐
Contact me if you’d like to place an order – that goes for Black Doris too.

Starting from early March, we will begin picking our Royal Gala apples. We also sell these apples for fundraising at a bulk price to schools/clubs. If you like to know more about it, please contact me on 027 288 6090

Open 7 days
7am – 9pm

Quick fruit update

Pyo Stevens Favourite are now finished.
Pyo Moorparks will be finishing approx. Tuesday.
Pyo Nectarines will start on Wednesday 5th February 😀 they will be ripe enough by then – definitely no earlier.

Still plenty of Billington plums 😊 red flesh and great for eating, jam, sauce, bottling whole,etc.
Plenty of boxed Clutha Gold apricots on the Fruit Stall so you won’t miss out.
Bon Chretien Pears will be available as from next weekend 🍐🍐
Black Doris plums will be starting around the 12th February. Both pick up and courier orders being taken for them now – when they are available, there will be plenty on the Stall.

Contact me on 027 288 6090 for all queries.

Open 7 days
from 7am – 9pm.

Fruit Update – Saturday 25th January

A gorgeous warm morning – looks like another fine day. 🌞 There is talk of a few brief showers in the morning but Sam assures me this will not eventuate according to his weather app ☀️☀️

A very busy PYO moorparks yesterday – still plenty on the trees.😎

PYO Stevens Favourite apricots are another old variety and is very popular.

Still an average amount of PYO Rox Red available.

Billington and Shiro plums are on the Fruit Stall.

Billingtons are great for jam, sauce, bottling whole and of course are an eating plum as well.

Shiro plums are an all rounder – cooking and eating.

Plenty of boxed apricots on the Stall.

Sandra (Mum) is flat out packing as I write.

There will be enough to restock the Stall continually during the day so you won’t miss out.

Contact me on 027 288 6090 for all enquiries.

Open 7 days

7am – 9pm

Fruit Update

PYO Moorpark apricots will start this Friday 24th January. ☺️😁

PYO Stevens Favourite apricots will commence this Thursday 23rd January.

PYO Roxburgh Red are still all go and there is still some PYO Sundrop apricots left.

PYO Nectarines have finished for now. The PYO Nectarines Variety will be in about 8 days time.

Will keep you posted. 👍😁

Remember for PYO bring your own supermarket bags, boxes, washing baskets, etc.

Shiro plums will be on the Fruit Stall on Thursday .

Billington plums are still to ripen.

Contact me on 027 288 6090 for all queries.

🌞PYO Update 🌞

Just a reminder to those who want to PYO please bring your own containers

For those wanting a large amount for bottling or freezing, laundry baskets – supermarket bags – crates – buckets – cardboard boxes, etc are ideal.

And for those wanting just a few apricots, a supermarket bag is ideal.

Picking is ladder work.

For safety reasons obviously children are not allowed on the ladders. Children are always happy to watch as long as you give them plenty of apricots to eat…a wonderful bribe to keep the peace…

Sundrops are still plentiful, and Roxburgh Red only started yesterday so they are plentiful as well.

Clutha Gold and Peeka will be on the Stall next week…will keep you posted. 👍

Steven’s Favourite will be on the Fruit Stall by end of next week 👍

Moorpark apricots are in about 8-10 days and will be PYO…will keep you posted. 👍

If you don’t preserve apricots by way of bottling all is not lost as freezing is so easy.

Just halve and put in a freezer bag and then straight into the freezer.

Cook from frozen and they taste like they are just off the tree.

PYO Nectarines start this Saturday ☺️ They are very popular, and it will be all over within a few short days. Then the next variety starts roughly in approx. 2 weeks.

We do not sell PYO nectarines to Fruit Hawkers – they are for families who are bottling, freezing and eating only.

There will not be any on the Fruit Stall.

Plums will be ripe within days and will be on the Stall in a few days time.

Thank goodness the Sun finally found us! 🌞

Open 7 days

7am – 9pm

Pyo Sundrop apricots are in full swing 😁🌞
Just a reminder to everyone who is intending to pyo to bring your own supermarket bags, buckets, washing baskets etc ☺️👍
We do have some shopping bags for those who forget. 👍
Please come up to the fruit stall to report in before entering the Orchrd to PYO👍
Another gorgeous day up here 🌞☀️ We have plenty of boxed apricots on the stall for those who dont want to PYO. 

Call me – Ruby – on 027 288 6090 for all queries 

PYO Update

Sam has just informed me that PYO Sundrop apricots will start this Saturday 4th January, as the intense heat over the past two days has ripened the fruit evenly enough to start up 😁

As usual there will be plenty of large boxes of Sundrops on the Fruit Stall for those who don’t want to PYO but still want bulk apricots for bottling/freezing.

There is no urgency to get up here right now as PYO Sundrops will last a while and there is more varieties coming on.

We had rain all night and it is still gently falling 🌧😳 thankfully Sam and crew picked plenty yesterday so Sandra (Mum) and I are packing Sundrops as I write ☺️

So we will have plenty of large and small boxes and bags on the Fruit Stall as usual.

Another few days wait for the next variety of plums as they are not quite ripe yet.

Freshly dug spuds available still 🥔

Contact me, Ruby on 027 288 6090 for all queries.

Open 7 days 7am – 9pm

Countdown to another year nearly over! 🥳😊

Sandra, Sam and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Our New Years day will be spent in the Fruit Stall – it is always wonderful catching up with people on the first day of the New Year 😊

We have Sundrop apricots available in plentiful supply, new spuds and we are coming to the end of our cherries and Red Beaut plums – another variety of plums is coming on very shortly 🍒🥔🍑

Our Sundrop apricots are picked daily and are available in assorted sizes of bags/boxes.

Just a reminder if you want to pick up/purchase outside of our hours… 7am – 9pm just text/ring me Ruby to arrange a time. No worries at all – many people already do this. 👍👍

PYO Sundrop won’t be starting until there’s an even amount of ripeness in the trees – Sam can’t give me an exact date as of yet – will keep you updated!

Call me on 027 288 6090 for all fruit queries/orders.

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