Recently the ‘Sun’ has not been as much of a frequent visitor to our Orchard as we would have liked.
Hence, we will be delaying the Fruit Stall Opening until
Saturday 21st December
And from then on…
7am – 9pm
The weather rules our lives!
Good news though – the Cherry Courier pre-orders will be going out next Tuesday 17th – this being the last day for Courier Orders.
Pick up orders will be available from the Sunday 22nd – will keep in touch with everyone closer to the time as to when your order is available for pick up or will arrange which day works for you
When we Open on the 21st, both cherries and new spuds will be available.
So looking forward to the Fruit Stall opening and catching up with everyone. Roll on Sunshine and Summer!!
Remember you can txt/phone me, Ruby, anytime 027 288 6090……fruit orders, fruit queries, recipes, weather updates, etc.
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